Glenn A. Stinebaugh, Founder & Managing Partner/Integrated Natural Resources (INR) & Founder & Managing Partner/CPI Media, Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Glenn A. Stinebaugh has over 30 years of industry experience in the disciplines Management, Strategic Planning (including joint ventures and partnerships), Business Plan and Tactical/Marketing Plan development and implementation, Economic Development, Marketing, Research and Analysis, Project Management, and Cultural Program Development.
He has a successful consulting background in executive management, market development and market penetration/expansion and marketing in a variety of vertical industries including Agriculture/Precision Agriculture, sustainable and renewable energy technologies and products, mining, consumer package goods (CPG), textile/apparel, retail and specialty operations, Information Technology, media and entertainment, product placement and product integration.
Mr. Stinebaugh is a Founding Member/Managing Member of Integrated Natural Resources, LLC (INR), an international executive management, marketing, research, analysis and business/strategic planning consulting organization with associate offices in Las Vegas, Nevada; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; Melbourne, Australia and Manila, The Philippines.
He is also a Founding Member/Managing Member of Cultural Productions International, LLC (CPI), an entertainment and cultural production company with offices in Las Vegas, NV; Lima, Peru and Nashville, TN. CPI is currently working to bring to the International audience “The Lost Music of the Andes”, an important artistic and cultural initiative that will present to the world music composed in Peru between 1565-1750. This important project will stimulate tourism and economic development while presenting to the global audience some of Peru’s most talented composers, musicians and artists.
Mr. Stinebaugh has planned and led numerous trade missions from South America to the U.S. while planning and implementing various U.S. State Missions abroad, including several economic development and trade missions to Australia and SE Asia.
In addition to working with many United States firms, he has been a consultant to the governments of Australia, Ontario and Quebec, Canada; Chile; France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Peru, South Korea and Japan, as well as the States of Oklahoma, Texas and Nevada.
Recently, Mr. Stinebaugh was CEO and President of Zero Gravity Solutions, Inc. and BAM Agricultural Solutions, Inc. Under his direction, the companies focused on development of agriculture and precision agricultural technologies.
Since resigning from Zero Gravity / BAM Agricultural Solutions, Mr. Stinebaugh has developed a technology toolkit of agricultural and precision agriculture technologies and products that provide solutions to problems facing agricultural, globally.

Dr. David Bubenheim, Ph.D.- United Sates Department of Agriculture, NASA-Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California USA
David Bubenheim, Ph.D.
Crop Yield Physiology / Controlled Environment Agriculture
David Bubenheim is a crop plant physiologist with specialty in the areas of crop yield physiology, ecophysiology and controlled environment agriculture. He is currently a research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View California and has developed and utilized controlled environment plant production technologies, especially hydroponic technologies, for food production applications and for research to identify and eliminate biological and engineering bottlenecks limiting plant production.
He has developed plant-based, life-support systems to provide food, air, and water for self-sufficient Moon and Mars habitats that demonstrated feasibility for the first time. He has developed and used growing systems on the Russian Space Station Mir, the U.S. Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station.
Bubenheim has utilized unique controlled environments to address climate change impacts on native ecosystems and vulnerability to invasive species in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, studied resource use efficiency in field agricultural and rangeland production, and introduced previously under-utilized crops to intensive culture methods. Quinoa was one of the important under-utilized crops recognized for yield and nutritional quality potential.
Bubenheim has received several research and technology development / transfer awards from NASA as well as the Best New Technology of the Year award from R&D magazine. Was an early pioneer in the introduction and use of high-efficiency LED technology to plant lighting systems for research and plant production.
In 2017, Bubenheim hosted and organized an International Conference for Controlled Environment Technologies and Use in Agriculture Production and Research.
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture, Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture
Master of Science in Horticulture, Virginia Tech University
Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Plant Physiology, Utah State University
Post-Doctoral Study in Plant Physiology, Purdue University
NASA Exceptional Achievement and Sustained Superior Performance Award
Outstanding Publication Award, SAE Environmental Systems, Life Support
NASA Technology Transfer Award – Polar Wind Turbine
NASA Technology Transfer Award – Wastewater Treatment and Recovery of Nutrient for Plant Production
Federal Laboratory Consortium Award
R&D magazine Best New Technology Award

Don Henry, Former Director California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, California USA
Don Henry is a Plant Pest Regulatory Specialist with over thirty years of experience in developing and managing complex agricultural programs for the State of California.
Mr. Henry was the Director, Division of Plant Industry for the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) where he provided administrative, budget, and policy over-sight for all plant pest regulatory activities for State of California. Don oversaw an annual budget of US$70-80 million.
Don also oversaw the California statewide pest detection trapping and survey programs and all plant pest eradication programs including Medfly, gypsy moth, Japanese beetle, sterile insect release, noxious weeds, etc.
Mr. Henry was Chief of Investigations for the CDFA and responsible for market enforcement, complaints and smuggling interdiction activities, as well as, administrative, civil and criminal investigations.
In Policy issues, he represented the State of California regarding plant pest issues with USDA, other State Departments of Agriculture and the National Plant Board.
From 2005-2012 Mr. Henry was an Agricultural Specialist, GS-12, for the US Customs and Border Protection Agency, Sacramento, CA where he managed all Agriculture Quarantine inspection activities regarding international passenger, baggage and cargo associated with commercial flights, military aircraft and maritime vessels.
Additionally, Don was a Consultant to the California Walnut Board providing guidance on issues such as harvest compliance, marketing and rural crime.
Don holds a BS Degree in Biology from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. His core concentration has been in Entomology and Plant Science

Patricio Madariaga, (Former) Consul General & Trade Commissioner, Government of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Patricio Madariaga Gutierrez has over 35 years of experience in international market research, strategic development, sales and marketing. He pioneered ProChile, the highly successful Chilean export promotion center, and opened their first foreign office, in New York. After five years working to promote a number of different Chilean product lines overseas, the Chilean government appointed Mr. Madariaga as Senior Trade Commissioner for the West Coast of the United States and a few years later, as Consul General of Chile, headquartered in Los Angeles, CA. with jurisdiction over Southern California, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Hawaii.
After his early retirement form the Chilean Foreign Office, Mr. Madariaga organized a Factory representative service in Chile and California where he managed and administered agricultural supplies, fresh fruits and produce sales programs as well as fish supplies from Chile to the Region and at the same time, Mr. Madariaga assumed The Chilean Economic Development Corporation (CORFO) Agency representation in California, where he was able to develop a number of Trade Missions for California farmers, fresh fruit growers and food processors to Chile while also developing Agricultural Trade Missions from Chile to California.
Today, Mr. Madariaga is the President for PMM International Business Service Group an International Research, Analysis and Business Consulting Group associated to Integrated Natural Resources (INR) and has serviced internationally a number of local and foreign companies, such as: Minera Inca de Oro S.A; Minera Los Mantos al Sol S.A. - Global Food Technologies, Inc, The Vincit Group, Inc. Zero Gravity Solutions Inc. Subsidiary BAM Agricultural Solutions, Inc., among others.
Mr. Madariaga is completely bilingual in Spanish and English languages and he received his Business Administration Degree from Universidad Central de Venezuela and completed his International Business education at California State University of Northridge among several other Academic formation plans within several well-known Universities and Government Institutions worldwide

Dr. Jim Stottlemyre, Ph.D.- Chief Operating Officer/Unibest International
Jim Stottlemyre, Ph.D. received his Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Washington in Physics, earned his Master of Science Degree and Ph.D. in Geophysics from the University of Washington.
Dr. Stottlemyre combines his extensive knowledge of Geophysics with a firm understanding of financial capital markets, which allows him to have a unique perspective on emerging technologies. As such, Dr. Stottlemyre has been a Senior Advisor to Cetera and Cornerstone Wealth Management Groups and Senior Advisor to General Electric Capital Assurance, consulting on energy and environmental programs.
As the Senior Manager at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) Dr. Stottlemyre was Director of Scientific Support for Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Research Advisory Board (ERAB). He led a team of 25 senior executives from industry and academia overseeing multi-year studies at various National Laboratories. Examples include high-energy physics, electrical energy production, transport and storage, and technology transfer program from national laboratories to industry.
Dr. Stottlemyre was National Team Leader for the DOE’s Strategic Planning Task Force where he led a 30-person team from national laboratories, universities and industry in the design and implementation of DOE’s 10-year energy and environmental sciences research program.
Jim was also Associate Director of Earth & Environmental Sciences Division where he was responsible for line management, business development and research and development programs in energy, environment and national security.
Dr. Stottlemyre was also Director of DOE’s National Environmental Sciences Research Center. Example programs include Global Climate Change; Transport and Fate of Contaminants; Nuclear and Chemical Waste Remediation; and Protection of Surface and Subsurface Water Resources.
As Manager of National Arid Site Integrated Demonstration Program (PNNL) he sought to identify, develop and demonstrate environmental remediation technologies for arid and semi-arid conditions.
Jim was also Manager of Gesociences Department at Pacific NW National Laboratory, Manager for Geology and Hydrology Section at PNNL and Team leader for high-resolution remote sensing.
Currently, Dr. Stottlemyre is an Advisor to INR and COO of UNIBEST INTERNATIONAL OF Walla Walla, Washington, USA.

Kenneth S. August, Founder & President / August Law Group and Managing Partner of Integrated Natural Resources (INR), Irvine, California USA
Mr. August began his legal career with the firm of Lane & Edson, P.C., where he participated in the representation of former U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon’s investment banking firm, WESRAY Corporation, in a variety of public and private financial transactions, management buy-outs and related corporate activities. Mr. August has also worked with the firm Dow, Lohnes & Albertson (where he represented a number of telecommunications companies, investment banking firms and commercial banks in a variety of corporate, commercial and financial transactions), and Graham & James (specializing in mergers & acquisitions, securities and joint venture transactions for the firm’s primarily international clientele). He left large law firm practice at the end of 1992 to focus on the representation of entrepreneurial emerging and mid-sized corporate clients.
During his career, Mr. August has participated as legal counsel in transactions having an aggregate value of more than $2.5 Billion dollars. He has served as an Adjunct Professor both at Whittier Law School, teaching in the area of corporations and securities law, and for the University of California at Irvine Graduate School of Management on general legal issues impacting business professionals. He has lectured extensively in the areas of international business and financial transactional law, including for the Harvard Business School Association of Orange County in 2006, and was a contributing author on international mergers and acquisitions in the book The Art of M&A, published by Dow Jones-Irwin in 1987. Mr. August was a Founding Member of the College of Fellows of the Centre for International Legal Studies, headquartered in Kitzbühl, Austria, and has served as a Director for the Singapore American Business Association (Southern California), the International Foundation for the Advancement and Support of Technology, as a Director and Past President of the Orange County International Business and Protocol Foundation, and as Chairman of the California International Business Advisory Board, Rancho Santiago Community College District.
He has lectured extensively at home and abroad in the area of international business transactions, including for the United States Department of Commerce, the University of Southern California, the American Electronics Association, Zhongshan (Sun-Yat Sen University) in Guangzhou, China, and the non-profit California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC).
He is fluent in English, French and Spanish, and has a working knowledge of German, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.

Dr. John Freeman, Ph.D.: Intrinsyx Research, NASA-Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California USA
Dr. John L. Freeman is currently a Plant Scientist and Science Test Lead at Intrinsyx Technologies Corporation at NASA-Ames in the Space Biosciences Botany Laboratory. He is primarily working on the Seedling Growth flight experiments investigating how gravity and light influence plant growth in space and the cellular signaling mechanisms involved in plant tropisms. These experiments utilize the European Modular Cultivation System in conjunction with Experiment Unique Equipment flight hardware developed by NASA Ames Research Center and these tests will be performed on the International Space Station and on the ground at NASA-Ames. Four seedling growth space flight experiments are scheduled over the next few years supported by NASA in cooperation with the European Space Agency.
Dr. Freeman received a Ph.D. from the Purdue University Horticulture Department in Plant Biochemistry with a focus on the unique molecular biology of metal hyper accumulator plants.
His research focus in plant metal stress tolerance, phytoremediation and plant environmental stress physiology has utilized a wide variety of molecular techniques including X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy using the two Synchrotrons at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Stanford University.
Dr. Freeman has previously worked in laboratories at Motorola, Western Technologies Inc., Northern Arizona University, Purdue University, Colorado State University, USDA-ARS SJVASC. Over the last ten years Dr. Freeman has been published 27 times and he has co-directed numerous field and laboratory multidisciplinary research teams. He was most recently a Research Associate at the USDA-ARS and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at C.S.U. Fresno in the Biology Department.

Jay Ruskey, Founder/Goodland’s Organics/Frinj Coffee
Jay Ruskey and the team at Good Land Organics believe that good land stewardship and good food production demands an understanding of the complex interconnections that exist among a farm, the natural environment, and the local community.
Jay is cultivating different varieties of coffee and exploring different agricultural practices, including precision irrigation and farming methods.
On their 42-acre farm, Good Land Organics has created a sub-tropical wonderland of exotic crops, bringing Central America to the Central Coast. A 12-year veteran of the farmers market, Ruskey is proudly the first farmer to sell local grown coffee in California. The unique ecosystem on the ranch contributes to Ruskey’s ability to grow specialty products others simply cannot.
Good Land Organics offers a warm, southern orientation for unique crops such as cherimoyas, dragon fruit, white sapotes, and fresh goji berries. Currently, the farm boasts nearly 100 different, organic fruiting plants.
An active member of California Rare Fruit Growers and the University California Farm Extension Service, Ruskey is a true innovator in the Good Land. In 2010, he was awarded the innovative “Small Farmer of the Year” award from the University of California.

Mark Gaskell – Berry Production / Protected Field Agriculture / International Coffee Production, University of California Agriculture, Natural Resources Division
Dr. Mark Gaskell of the University of California Co-Op Extension focuses on specialty crops, small fruit crops, vegetables, sustainable agriculture, small farms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
Mark graduated with his M.S. in Crop Physiology and Production from Iowa State in 1978 and earned his Ph.D. in Crop Physiology and Production from Iowa State University in 1980.
Dr. Gaskell has won a number of prestigious awards, including The U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar-Morocco, 2012-2014 Presented by Fulbright Scholar Program and the USDA-NIFA team award -"National Cooperative Extension Award for Excellence and Diversity"
Presented by USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES).
Gaskell's achievements were recognized by USDA-National Institute for Food and Agriculture with the 2010 National Extension Excellence Program Award for the UC Small Farm Program Team. In 2007, he was named “Outstanding Educator” by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Gaskell has become a worldwide expert in alternative crops and markets, including off-season, fresh-market small fruit (blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry) production, fresh-market edamame production in California for domestic or export markets, lychee, longan, and exotic subtropical fruit production in California.
He works closely with small farms and vendors on optimizing soil management practices for efficient organic vegetable production and improving production and marketing efficiency on small farms

Michael Cahn, Water and Nutrient Management, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division, Farm Advisor / Cooperative extension Monterey County
Dr. Michael Cahn received his Ph.D. in Agronomy and Soil Science and an M.S. in Agronomy and Soil Science from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of California, Davis.
Dr. Cahn’s specialty is Irrigation and Water Resources.
His areas of expertise include: Leafy Vegetables, Natural Resources and Environment, Conservation and Efficient Use of Water, Watershed Protection and Management, Agricultural, Natural Resource and Biological Engineering, Drainage and Irrigation Systems and Facilities, Water, Agriculture (Organic and Commercial) as well as Small farm development.

John Tripp - Howland Worldwide/ CPI Media Entertainment & Food Advisor
John Tripp is a multi-faceted entertainment veteran with over 30 years’ experience in many areas of the entertainment industry. Recently, he was the Chief Operating Officer of MIX Entertainment Holdings, LLC, an entertainment development company with several key projects including best-selling author Clive Cussler’s ‘The Oregon Files’ television series.
Previously, Tripp was the Chief Operating Officer of ChildStar Entertainment, LLC, a multi-media platform company encompassing music, television, merchandising, video gaming and the internet. One of ChildStar’s main ventures was The TrollMates, a ‘tween pop group for whom Tripp secured a concert appearance at the Great Wall of China at Badaling near Beijing on September 6, 2006 on the occasion of the launch of The International Paralympics Mascot and two-year countdown to the 2008 Olympic Games. The televised event garnered an estimated viewing audience of 850 million worldwide.
Tripp’s consulting business, Howland WorldWide, LLC, has been creating strategic alliances for several years. A few notable examples of alliances that Tripp has created include: Assistance League of Southern California with entertainment journalist Leeza Gibbons and her Alzheimer’s organization (‘Leeza’s Places’); Tony and Emmy Award-winning writer William Luce with the People’s Republic of China to create a Broadway-bound musical based on the Flying Tigers.
Tripp co-founded Sakow and Tripp International, an event production company. Significant events that Tripp co-produced include Los Angeles Magazine’s annual Best of LA food and wine festival 2003, 2004 & 2005; Eco-Wine Fest, the first organic wine festival in California; the 2nd Annual Planetary Coral Reef Foundation Benefit with James Cameron; a Women of Los Angeles Gala in honor of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver; spcaLA’s 125th anniversary benefit at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion; a Gala at the Historic Regent Beverly Wilshire in honor of Evelyn Lauder, of the Estee Lauder Corporation, for her contributions to the Fight against Breast Cancer; and events for the Alzheimer’s Association and Leeza’s Places.
Prior to co-founding Sakow and Tripp International, Tripp co-founded St. Andrews Place, an event production company. A partial list of clients included Barbra Streisand, Matt Groening, Quincy Jones, Ozzy Osbourne, Warner Bros., Paramount, Universal, LACMA, James Garner, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Malibu International Film Festival, television shows including The West Wing, EXTRA, MAD TV, and 3rd Rock from the Sun, Tony Awards West, Women in Film, American Society of Composers and Publishers (ASCAP), celebrity photographer Herb Ritts, Daily Variety, Los Angeles Opera Guild, Museum of Television & Radio (Beverly Hills), Los Angeles Natural History Museum, George C. Page Museum at La Brea Tar Pits, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, and UCLA.
Tripp learned the event production business and became a senior event producer for New York society and celebrity event producer, Donald Bruce White. Clients included Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Norman Lear, Andy Warhol, the Rockefellers, Yoko Ono, Presidents Nixon, Carter, and Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Gloria Vanderbilt, the Bronfman Family of Seagram’s, and a host of foreign royalty and dignitaries. Tripp oversaw the special event aspects of numerous fashion shows for clients such as Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Bill Blass, among others. Tripp also produced events for corporate and institutional clients including: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, TIME-LIFE Corporation, Ford Corporation, the Peabody Foundation, PepsiCo, and the United Nations.
Tripp studied theater arts under the renowned acting coach and three-time Tony Award-winner Uta Hagen in New York City and with Stella Adler in Los Angeles, as well as studied voice with world-renowned vocal coach Virginia Shore in Hartford, Connecticut.